Howdy WHA Members, With the second special session of the Texas Legislature coming to a close just before Labor Day, we will still have yet another special session to address redistricting as well as allocation of $16 billion in federal funds for […]
Member Posts
Staff Corner: August 2021
Happy August WHA Members! Like many of you, July is when we start planning for next year and wrapping up the details on this year’s remaining events. We are truly excited about what we have in store for you in the coming months! Our events […]
President’s Desk: August 2021
Howdy WHA Members, As compared to June, July has been a quiet month across the greater West Houston region. No details have been announced regarding the Harris County Administrator and Alan Black is still the Interim ED for HCFCD. At the state level things are at a standstill with the Texas House Democrats […]
ICYMI: Revisions and Additions to the Agreement for Underground Electric Service
The Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA)’s Dry Utility Task Force has worked with CenterPoint over the last few years to clarify and adjust a few things within the Underground Electric Service Agreement. A huge win for the industry came from […]
Presidents Corner: July 2021
Howdy WHA Members, There have been many moves in Harris County that you should be aware of. Russ Poppe is leaving the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) and Alan Black will be serving as the interim Executive Director. On June 29th Harris County Commissioners Court approved HCFCD’s plan to provide for the 2018 […]
West Houston Association Graduates Another Crop of Rising Leaders
The West Houston Association (WHA) celebrated the graduation of classes 3 and 4 of the WHA Rising Leaders program on July 8th, 2021, with a reception and award ceremony at Dragonfly Park in Bridgeland. Graduation for both cohorts was delayed due to COVID-19 and […]
Electric and Autonomous Vehicles Lead the Discussion at the Emerging Trends in Transportation Forum
Houston’s need to reimagine its transportation future was the subject of the West Houston Association’s Emerging Trends in Transportation Forum on June 16, 2021. Public and industry leaders in transportation joined in the hour-long discussion moderated by Jim Webb, CEO/President of The […]
Rising Leaders TopGolf Tournament Fundraiser Was a Success
The West Houston Association’s Rising Leader Class 4 hosted a TopGolf Tournament fundraiser on May 27th from 2p-6p at the Katy location. The event had 26 sponsors and over 200 attendees. The title sponsor being LJA Engineering Inc. The event […]
WHA Hosts First Ever Envision Credential Maintenance Course
The West Houston Association hosted its first ever Envision Credential Maintenance course – seven hours of live, virtual, facilitated continuing education in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). These continuing education courses are called “Credential Maintenance Hours” and […]
Presidents Corner: June 2021
Howdy WHA Members, Exciting news this month as HB 1410, has been passed by both the Texas House and Senate. The bill, which is heading to the Governor’s desk, allows for a raise in the cap on parks and recreation […]