Member Posts

President’s Desk: August 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  A day late, but not a dollar short! While most of y’all probably didn’t even notice that this newsletter came out on the first Friday of August rather than the first Thursday, it is actually a credit […]

President’s Desk: July 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  It’s been a hot summer so far, and I hope y’all are keeping cool. Temperatures in Austin have been particularly high with debates over the best approach to property tax cuts, leading to a second special session […]

President’s Desk: June 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  Memorial Day weekend started with our Topgolf tournament last Thursday, May 25th and was followed up by major moves in the state legislature. On Saturday, May 27th the Texas House voted to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton. […]

President’s Desk: May 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  What great weather we had this past weekend as we rolled into May. Hopefully you used it to warm up for our Topgolf tournament later this month! While some of you are out there driving golf balls, […]

President’s Desk: April 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  Spring has sprung in the greater West Houston region. Trees are getting planted, flowers are blooming, and the Astros season started. At the same time, Mayor Turner announced his One Clean Houston initiative to combat illegal dumping […]

President’s Desk: March 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  It’s Rodeo Season! That means long days and late nights for thousands of people in our region. Go Texan Day kicked off the season on February 24th with the official proclamations in downtown Houston. I mention the […]

President’s Desk: February 2023

Howdy WHA Members!  January has been a busy month as we kicked off the year with three internally focused events: a board strategic planning session, committee leadership breakfast, and WHA Membership committee meeting. We have also already held a Government […]

President’s Desk: January 2023

Happy New Year WHA Members!  As we wrap up 2022 and enter 2023 there is a lot to celebrate. If you missed the Awards in December, a quick recap: we recognized our seventh cohort of Rising Leaders, bestowed two Compass […]

President’s Desk: December 2022

Howdy WHA Members!  Most of y’all have already heard, but if you missed it, Jennifer Boggs has moved on from WHA and is now with the Greater Houston Builders Association (GHBA). I am thankful for Jennifer’s time, almost three and a […]