WHA Developments

Hord Announces Retirement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Haunani Shipper Phone 903.433.2526 hshipper@totalpr.com West Houston Association Names Perri D’Armond as New President, CEO Houston, TX (Nov. 5, 2013) — The West Houston Association is welcoming Perri D’Armond as its new president and chief executive […]

WHA Participates in Cypress Creek Overflow Study

The West Houston Association is participating in a new evaluation of Cypress Creek watershed overflows in the area south of the creek as it enters Harris County from Waller. Harris County Flood Control has established a website for the public to track progress of this evaluation here.

WHA Supports Proposition 1

Proposition 1 is a constitutional amendment that will allow a portion of the revenue from the oil and natural gas production tax to be transferred to the State Highway Fund for the sole purpose of constructing, maintaining, and purchasing right […]