WHA Developments

TWRC Wildlife Center Seeks a New Home

by Cheryl Conley Since 1979, TWRC Wildlife Center has been committed to providing quality emergency care and rehabilitation for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife brought to TWRC by the public. Now, TWRC needs some assistance finding a new location. TWRC […]

Quality Planned Development Goes Online and North

The West Houston Association is proud to announce the launch of qualityplanneddevelopments.com. WHA has also reached an agreement with the North Houston Association to expand the Quality Planned Development (“QPD”) designation. Commercial and residential developments may obtain the QPD designation […]

WHA Supports Proposition 7

The West Houston Association adopted a resolution in support of Proposition 7, a constitutional amendment for increased state funding for transportation. Proposition 7 will be on the November 3, 2015 ballot. The WHA encourages our membership to support the proposed […]