WHA Developments

POTUS Announces Rewrite of WOTUS Rule

On February 28th, President Trump announced that he would repeal the “Waters of the United States Rule” (WOTUS Rule) issued by the Obama Administration. The President commented that the WOTUS Rule “sort of has a nice name. But everything else […]


WHA’s Members News: David Hightower joined Midway Companies as the Executive Vice President of development on January 1, 2017. Hightower worked at Wolff Companies for 36 years in various leadership roles. He has been involved in the management, development, and/or […]

Regional Mobility – Upcoming Projects

The West Houston Association’s Mobility Plan for 2017 identifies the transportation needs in the West Houston with major projects that are under review or have already begun. With the assistance of our members and Regional Mobility Committee, WHA aims to […]

WHA Appoints Three New Board Members

At its September 27th Board Meeting, the West Houston Association appointed three new board members to fill vacancies. Rob Bamford, Vice President at Johnson Development Company and general manager of Cross Creek Ranch, will take over for out-going board member […]