The West Houston Association hosted its third Envision Credentialing Course on May 7th to prepare professionals for the Sustainable Infrastructure Credentialing Test. The 8-hour course was held in a virtual format for the first time. Instructors Michael Bloom, P.E., ENV. SP, CFM, BCEE Sustainability Practice Manager at R.G. Miller, and Liz Parent, P.E., CFM, ENV SP a Principal Engineer at 5engineering, LLC taught the class. Lindsey Geiger from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure played a significant role in transferring the course into a live virtual credentialing class.
The Envision credential increases personal marketability for professionals and provides a valuable return on investment for organizations that deliver infrastructure projects. “It allows you to differentiate yourself in the marketplace in a relatively new approach for planning and delivering infrastructure projects”, said Bloom. The ENV-SP credential is recognized by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure and is becoming a globally recognized credential in civil engineering.
Of the 3 Envision courses held by the West Houston Association, 58 attendees now have the ENV-SP credential, and are as follows:
- Adam Eaton
- Amanda Tullos
- Amar Mohite
- Ana Encaracion
- Ana Laura Arriola
- Ann Baker
- Auggie Campbell
- Austin Appleton
- Austin Zen
- Brandon Thomas
- Brendan Byrne
- Chad Ballard
- Corbett Freeman
- Coy Custer
- Ema Paz
- Farrah Rawashdeh
- Ian Gray
- Jason Johnson
- Jennifer Hundl
- Jennifer Lundberg
- Jessica Luo
- Joseph Yaklin
- Keith Karnoski
- Kent Hickingbottom
- Kevin Land
- Kyle Morris
- Long Nguyen
- Luis Gomez
- Malick Bittaye
- Manik Mitra
- Mark Gehringer
- Mark Hodges
- Maurice Mullaly
- Michael Turner
- Mike Chang
- Mounika Jella
- Nabil Joubran
- Naiya Patel
- Nasim Esmaeili
- Nicole Seymour
- Omar Rodriguez-Arellano
- Peniamena Lesa
- Rachel Todd
- Rich Fuller
- Rich Gallegos
- Roberto Castillo
- Rodrigo Pinheiro
- Shahad Munna
- Shichen “Jessica” Jia
- Stephen Sparks
- Steve Gonzales
- Susan Alford
- Suzanne Wright
- Terry Barker
- Tim Hart
- Tommi Jo Scott
- Truman Edminster
- Yousef Hussain
The West Houston Association supports initiatives for sustainable infrastructure and the credentialing of professionals to continue that effort.
Here are additional resources to learn more about Envision Credentialing Training:
Become an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP)
How Envision Helps Municipal Bond Investors Verify The ESG Credentials Of Infrastructure Projects