The West Houston area is focused on the future and it shows! The issues of flooding and outdated infrastructure have been headlines since Hurricane Harvey and policies continue to reflect the necessary changes in the region. From proposed transportation improvements to the future of health care and education here are a few articles to keep you up to date on whats happening in our area:

Harris County to begin work on new floodplain maps

Houston drivers steered into futuristic parking landscape

VOTE: Deadline to register to vote in Nov. 6 election approaches

Education Focus 2018: Katy ISD navigates the ‘war on public education financing’

Katy area residents see water bill hikes

Conroe budgets millions of dollars toward infrastructure upgrades; water, sewer rates jump

As Grant Road widening project nears completion, Harris County begins study of next piece

New paths to graduation: First class of Cy-Fair ISD high school students graduates with endorsements

Industry leaders discuss future of health care at North Houston Association luncheon

Oft-flooded neighborhood slowly disappears, buyout by reluctant buyout

Fort Bend County, local entities benefit from Oyster Creek drainage project

TxDOT proposes converting Hwy. 290 main lane to HOV lane during off-peak hours, will host public meeting in October

Katy area residents see water bill hikes

Houston-area rents fall for first time since Harvey