Grand Parkway

                  Link for More SH 99 Segments F & G Information


The Grand Parkway from I-10 W to US 290 is set to be open for traffic in December, 2013.


With completion set for 2015, Segments F1, F2 and G began June 23, 2013.  TxDOT recently conducted a $2.92 billion bond sale to finance the project.  ROW acquisition is ongoing.


The agreement completes a period in which the contract was negotiated and finalized and all conditions to the arrangement where satisfied.  This caps the period from September 12, 2012 when the firm was selected for providing the apparent “best value” for the 38 mile project with a bid of $1.160 billion (bid plus options) to be built in 842 days.  TxDOT plans a $3 billion revenue bond issuance in connection with the financing for Segments E, F1, F2 and G.  TxDOT has applied for a TIFIA loan.  Close on the bond is expected in May, 2013.


Fort Bend announces that the Grand Parkway Segment D south from Westpark will open by year’s end.  Toll booth locations will be sited this fall.


The Texas Transportation Commission set the toll rate at 17.7 cents per mile for autos with larger vehicles paying more the trip from I-10 West to Interstate 45 will cost $7.19 at this rate.  Construction of the I-10W to US 290 segment of the Grand Parkway is expected to be complete by 2015.


The Transportation Commission approved the selection of Zachry-Odebrecht to design, build, operate and perform capital maintenance on the 38 mile stretch of SH 99 from US 290 to US 59 North.  Construction is scheduled to start in January, 2012 with the first sections open to traffic in 2015.  The team includes several West Houston Association member firms: Brown & Gay Engineers; Dannenbaum Engineering; PGAL; Costello, Inc.; Walter P Moore; and Cobb, Fendley & Associates.  The new roadway has been in the planning and environmental stage for years and received significant attention by the Transportation Commission under the leadership of Ned Holmes, former member of the Commission.  Read more at this link to the TxDOT site.



August 22, 2012, Federal District Court Judge Ellison allows construction of Segment E to continue after ruling against the Sierra Club’s request for an injunction to stop construction.  The judge noted in his opinion “the Sierra Club admitted that any impacts on Addicks can be mitigated in ways other than halting construction, such as retention ponds, so additional construction does not equate to irreparable damage.”  The matter of flood runoff harming Addicks was remanded to the Corps for further evaluation.  Download the Current Opinion here (PDF).

(Note: The previous Sierra Club suit opinion by Judge Sim Lake is available here (PDF) and the 5th Circuit Opinion upholding the Sim Lake opinion is available here (PDF)

05.10.2012 Ned Holmes grand Parkway & US 290 update presentation to the west houston association’s issues forum

05.03.2012 Txdot publishes grand parkway request for proposals on segments F1, f2 and g

A final Request for proposals for Segments F1, F2, and G were published by TxDOT on May 3, 2012.  Five teams have been shortlisted on the design/build project.

Timeline for Segments F1, F2, and G


  • Proposals are due August, 2012

  • Conditional Contract Award is set for September, 2012

  • A TxDOT Bond Sale is scheduled for October, 2012

  • Contract signing is scheduled for December, 2012

  • Construction begins January, 2012

  • Open to traffic July, 2015


Latest update from the grand parkway association

David Gornet, executive director of the Grand Parkway Association updated the WHA Transportation Committee on the latest development news concerning the project at the committee’s meeting April 23, 2012.  Click here to download the presentation.

SH 99 request for qualifications

TxDOT is developing SH 99 Segments E, F and G and has begun a process of determining in what manner the Segments F and G will be built.  Companies have submitted qualifications and this information is available at this link from TxDOT.  Segment F1, F2 and G Request for Proposal will be published in May, 2012 with preliminary contract awarded in September, 2012.

Grand Parkway @ I-10 West Direct Connectors Are Open; New Flyover I-10 Underway

Segment E Construction Advances

(Click on thumbnail for wider view)

FM 529 @ SH 99 Intersection takes shape in this November 2011 aerial

Segment E of SH 99 Groundbreaking September, 2011 Completion set for December, 2013

TxDOT contractors are underway on Segment E from I-10 to US 290. This $320 million 15 mile segment will be a four-lane, controlled access toll road with limited frontage roads. It will be built in four sections by different contractors: Webber, LLC, J.D. Abrams, LP, Hassell Construction, and (WHA Member Firm) Williams Brothers Construction.  Construction should take approximately 28 months and open late 2013.

Continued environmental study and planning for all yet to be constructed segments is the responsibility of the grand parkway association


Sierra Club Files A New Lawsuit to Stop Construction on Segment E

Note: The Judge Dismisses Injunction request.

The Sierra Club on August 22, 2011, filed a suit seeking an injunction against the start of the construction of the Grand Parkway, Segment E citing that the Corps of Engineers did not take in account the ” potential devastation of downtown Houston…” when it issued its wetlands permit for Segment E.
Read a news account at this link (PDF).

5th Circuit Upholds Ruling Against Sierra Club
Read the 5th Circuit Opinion (PDF)
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals found in favor of FHWA & TxDOT and against the Sierra Club & Houston Audubon Society in an 18 page opinion on August 2, 2011. The Sierra Club had appealed an earlier District Court defeat on their challenge that the Grand Parkway environmental approvals by the transportation agencies failed to follow certain requirements of environmental law. The 5th Circuit agreed with the District Court that the defendants had complied with the law and entered summary judgment in their favor.

The EIS process on Segment began in 1993 with TxDOT filing a notice of intent to build segment E. Public meetings took place in 1993 and 2000 with the EIS published in February 2003. The FEIS was issued in November 2007 and the record of decision was approved on June 24, 2008.

Segment E Projects Let to Construction. Construction Start in Sept
Segment E projects where let to construction in July& August. The connector ramps between Segment E and US 290 and about 13 miles of Segment E north of Colonial Parkway where let to contract. In August, the direct connects and the Grand Parkway mainlane decks over Interstate 10 W will be let to contract. Construction is expected to begin in September, 2011 and completed in about 28 months.


TxDOT Plans Segment E Letting in July & August. Montgomery County Rescinds Primacy
Segment E of the Grand Parkway is scheduled for contract letting in July on two portions totaling an estimated $280 million. The two projects include four direct connections south of US 290 at SH 99 (Grand Parkway) and approximately 14 miles of toll road. The August letting is scheduled to include the main decks over I-10 and two direct connections between SH 99 and I-10.

In other news, Montgomery County has followed Harris County in rescinding primacy on Segment G of the Grand Parkway. This action allows TxDOT to include Segment G along with Segments F1 & F2 for future construction.

Also, TxDOT has received authority from the Texas Legislature to develop the Grand Parkway with a comprehensive development agreement or CDA. This provides for private sector financing, design, construction and maintenance of the Grand Parkway. TxDOT has recently asked for information from interested parties concerning this development.

TxDOT Commission Approves $350 million for Segment E at April 28th Meeting. WHA Supports CDA/PPP Authority for Grand Parkway
The Texas Transportation Commission approved $350 million for construction of the Grand Parkway at their April 28th meeting. A contract for constructing the segment is expected to by let in July, 2011.

Previously Reported: A proposal to fund Segment E of the Grand Parkway is advancing after several positive votes by the Texas Transportation Commission and with leadership from Commissioner Ned Holmes. The West Houston Association’s Mark Kilkenny, Mischer Investments and Executive Committee Member led a group appearing and testifying at a March 28th Public Hearing on modifications to TxDOT’s 2010 transportation plan which allocates the funds to the Grand Parkway plus additional funds to TxDOT districts and MPO’s around the state.

The Transportation Commission is expected to vote final approval of the funding at its April 28th meeting.

In addition, the West Houston Association testified in support of SB 1007 by Senator Williams which would allow TxDOT CDA authorization for the Grand Parkway. This would provide TxDOT with the same authorization Harris County had on the Grand Parkway.

TxDOT Accepts Grand Parkway from Harris County. Construction of Segment E Planned for 4Q of 2011. Public Hearing Scheduled for March 28th.
Ted Nelson, WHA Executive Committee member and President of Newland Communities testified in Austin in favor of TxDOT’s assumption of Parkway sections in Harris County for “construct” authority.

A hearing on the funding for the Grand Parkway and other changes is scheduled for Monday, March 28th at 9 am at TxDOT headquarters in Austin.

The Texas Transportation Commission on February 24, 2011 accepted portions of the Grand Parkway in Harris County for construction. TxDOT will let to contract in the fourth quarter of 2011 Segment E from I-10W to US 290. Right of way for Segment E is being acquired by Harris County for conveyance to TxDOT. Engineering which is largely complete is being revised to meet TxDOT standards.

Enviro-Groups Appeal Loss to 5th Circuit in Bid to Halt the Segment E/Grand Parkway Design Effort Continues as No Injunction has been Issued
The Sierra Club and Audubon groups appealed to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals the May 19, 2010 decision by US District Judge Lake that TxDOT and FHWA did not act arbitrarily or capriciously as claimed by the Sierra Club and Audubon Society in their bid to stop Segment E of the Grand Parkway. The Judge found for the agencies with prejudice. This clears the way for HCTRA to advance the project to construction when the Corps of Engineers issues it wetlands mitigation letter.

Judge Clears Segment E Lawsuit, Rules Against Sierra Club and Audubon Society
US District Judge Lake ruled May 19th that TxDOT and FHWA did not act arbitrarily or capriciously as claimed by the Sierra Club and Audubon Society in their bid to stop Segment E of the Grand Parkway. The Judge found for the agencies with prejudice. This clears the way for HCTRA to advance the project to construction when the Corps of Engineers issues it wetlands mitigation letter. (Read the Judges opinion at this link PDF)

May 11, 2010 Harris County Commissioners Court has authorized HCTRA to seek qualifications of consulting engineers for design of additional sections of the Grand Parkway, Segments F1 & F2. When designed these segments will join Segment E (I-10 to US 290) as ready for construction. (Read More PDF)

Expand Planned Interchange of GP at Interstate 10
The West Houston Association thanks area transportation agencies for their initiatives on the Segment E of the Grand Parkway and urges additional Interstate 10 direct connection ramps be included in the first phase of the work. In addition, north-south Grand Parkway traffic should have fully grade separated movement through the interchange. See the Association letter.

Grand Parkway Segment E Starts Work
Harris County Commissioners Court on March 10, 2009 and March 24th approved executing agreements with engineering firms to begin the design of Segment E of the Grand Parkway. This contingent upon TxDOT confirming supplemental funding in the amount of $181 million from the stimulus bill. These actions by the Commissioners Court clears the way for design and ROW acquisitions process to begin.

Also on March 10th the Sierra Club announced it has filed a suit claiming the FHWA and TxDOT acted arbitrarily and capriciously issued a record of decision on the environmental impact statement. A copy of the filing can be download here . Named in the suit are Federal Highway Administration and the Texas Department of Transportation and Transportation Commission.

The County had previously approved an agreement with TxDOT that will allow the County to begin engineering of Segment E between I-10 and US 290. The agreement also would allow the County to begin construction on this segment. The agreement calls for TxDOT to by out all Harris County investment in the project if another project developer is selected by TxDOT to undertake the entire Grand Parkway loop.

Grand Parkway-State Highway 99

The Grand Parkway is a planned 184 loop around the Greater Houston metropolitan area which currently has several sections currently open to traffic–from I-10 West to US 59 South and in Baytown on the east side of Houston region. The total cost of this loop is currently estimated to be $3.7 billion.

Grand Parkway West will tie the Greater West Houston region’s residential and commercial centers together with a vital new north-south link. Making up this link are:

Section D, currently completed south from I-10 to the Westpark Toll Road (FM 1093), continuing south with frontage roads to Sugarland and US 59.

Section E, a 15.2 mile section north from I-10 to US 290 has received its record of decision.

The current schedule calls for design and right of way acquisition to begin in 2008 and construction to commence in January 2010. While the schedule published by local and state agencies current call for completion in January 2011, it is likely this section can be completed and open to traffic in two-thirds that time, by January 2010.

Section F1, is an 11.4 mile section north from US 290 to US 249. It is in environmental study with a record of decision expected in June, 2008.